What's included in Sky TV's channel packs?
Sky let their TV customers build a custom package, combining Sky Signature's 300+ channels with a range of Sky TV extras that can let them watch live sport, new release films and more. Each channel pack adds new, premium channels to your ...
Do I need special equipment to watch Freeview TV?
Any UK TV bought after 2010 will have a built in Freeview receiver. All you will need to do is connect your TV to a working aerial through the coaxial socket in your wall. Almost every property in the UK will have an aerial installed already. If ...
What TV channels can I get through Virgin Media?
Which channels you can receive to your Virgin Media will depend on the package you have opted for. You can view a full list of each channel and which packages they are included with here.
What channels can I get with Sky TV?
The channels you receive to your Sky box will depend on which packages you are subscribed to, and Sky also regularly update their service to add new channels or combine services together. You can see our latest guide to Sky TV channels and which ...
Do Virgin Media install a satellite dish for TV?
No, Virgin Media's TV box connects directly to your router via a cable and all of your TV channels are streamed over your internet connection.
Can I subscribe to Sky TV without installing a dish?
If you would like to subscribe to Sky's services without installing a dish, you can do so by subscribing to Sky Stream. This recent new package from Sky allows you to subscribe to all of Sky's programming over the internet, with no additional ...
When do I need a TV licence?
You need a TV licence to watch any live broadcast TV in the UK. This means programmes that are being aired live, whether you are watching them on a TV set or online, but not pre-recorded content. The only exception is BBC iPlayer, which requires a TV ...
Can I have Sky TV installed before my internet?
While it is possible for a Sky engineer to install your TV services before your broadband is live they will not be able to check that all of the services in your new installation are working properly without internet. To avoid having to book a second ...
Do Virgin Media offer TV only packages?
No, Virgin Media only offer TV services to customers who also take broadband from them as they provide TV through their broadband infrastructure. If you would like a cable TV package with no internet we would recommend Sky as they offer standalone TV ...
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