Energy Bills
Why don’t my energy bills change every month based on my usage?
Energy usage varies a great deal throughout the year, with most people using much more on heating and lighting in the winter than in the summer. So that you are not suddenly paying double in the colder months, energy suppliers average your bills ...
How do I pay my bill if my heating runs on oil?
Some properties in the UK cannot be connected to the main gas network, usually because they are in rural or hard-to-access locations. For these properties, domestic heating and hot water are supplied through an Oil heating system, and the occupier ...
What is a 'deemed tariff'?
Deemed tariffs are the default tariffs used for businesses that have not signed any other contract for their energy supply. These are some of the highest energy tariffs in the UK and will never apply to domestic properties. If your home is on a ...
What are business rates for energy?
Business rates are tariffs charged for energy usage by businesses and at commercial properties. This could be in place at your property either because a business was previously in operation there, or because it has not been switched back to domestic ...
How is my energy bill calculated?
In the UK, your energy bill is directly based on the amount of energy you use, as measured by your energy meters. These record your usage in kWh, which is multiplied by your unit rate and then added to the daily standing charge of your tariff to ...
How do I pay bills for a communal, district or heat pump heating system?
Properties with multiple residences together, such as blocks of flats, will sometimes have a communal or district heating system fitted. This means that all the flats are supplied with hot water from communal boilers, and the bill for heating is paid ...
Popular Articles
Why don’t my energy bills change every month based on my usage?
Energy usage varies a great deal throughout the year, with most people using much more on heating and lighting in the winter than in the summer. So that you are not suddenly paying double in the colder months, energy suppliers average your bills ...
What's a pre-payment meter, and how can I have this changed?
A Pre-Payment, Pre-Pay, Key or Card meter is an energy meter that you top up with credit before use. Credit can be added online or through an app, or some older meters use a card or key you can top-up in a local store. You will be given directions ...
What's included in Sky TV's channel packs?
Sky let their TV customers build a custom package, combining Sky Signature's 300+ channels with a range of Sky TV extras that can let them watch live sport, new release films and more. Each channel pack adds new, premium channels to your ...
I've received a bill addressed to someone else
There may be a period between arriving at your new property and your registrations being finalised where you receive letters from your utility suppliers that are not addressed to you by name. Bills addressed to 'resident' or 'the occupier' are sent ...
What's the fastest way to get proof of address?
If you require a paper bill as proof of address, for example, to open a UK bank account, then the fastest option is a Council Tax bill. If you reach out to your local authority directly and let them know you require proof of address they will either ...