What's an Economy 7 meter?

What's an Economy 7 meter?

An Economy 7 meter is an energy meter that measures your usage at two rates, a higher day rate and a cheaper night rate. You should be able to see both readings by pressing the button on the front of the meter. Some Economy 7 meters have one button, and pressing it will cycle through Day, Night and Total readings. Alternatively, there may be two buttons labelled A (Day) and B (Night). Make sure not report your total reading as either your day or night read!

The exact times your 'Night' rate applies will depend on your specific tariff, but it is usually a seven-hour period between 10.30pm and 8.30am. The period your night rate applies, and your specific day and night tariffs, are available online through your account with your supplier, and will also be included in the first bill you receive by post. 

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